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OPTIMISM final Conference

Start: Monday September 16, 2013 - 10:00 am
Stop: Monday September 16, 2013 - 5:00 pm
Location: Brussels, Belgium

The OPTIMISM final conference, “Towards sustainable mobility with OPTIMISM”, will be held on Monday 16th September 2013 at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels for industry experts, project members and key stakeholders. The conference will present research results of the OPTIMISM project, as well as provide practical experiences and present real-world problems allowing participants to communicate and discuss between/beyond disciplines. It aims to raise awareness and, in parallel, actively contribute to the shaping of a consensus among various stakeholders. This will lead to identification of effective recommendations on strategies, technologies and methodologies for the integration and optimisation of the transport system for supporting the aim of sustainable mobility.

The OPTIMISM conference will highlight a scientifically documented insight of the transport system and people travel choices via the study of social behaviour, mobility patterns and business models. It will present the findings of OPTIMISM’s Consortium findings and will allow key stakeholders the opportunity to discuss a number of topics such as; developing strategies, passenger technologies and methodologies for integrating and optimising transport systems , -both in an urban and metropolitan environment. The event will also present and identify the optimum balance of “trade-offs”. Further information is available at Please contact Elena Tavlaki at with any questions.



Optimism Trnasport

Type: Meeting 